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Frequently Asked Questions

Content Cloud is our industry-leading content management system (CMS) built on .NET and Microsoft Azure. You can also use it with any other programming languages if you run headless.

No, we provide full service provisioning and management of your environment on Microsoft Azure's blazing fast cloud platform.​

You can deploy Content Cloud decoupled (headless), coupled or as a hybrid.

Out of the box, you can create and manage rules to show personalized content to different audiences. Or, upgrade to AI powered 1:1 personalization with Content Recommendations.​

No, we so not charge based on how much content you store.​ You have virtually unlimited content storage.

While we do not offer any trial versions, your developers can download a version for local testing to try it out. If you'd like some help getting started or for us to show you around,​ get in touch.

Ready to take your digital experiences to the next level?

Optimizely is trusted by over 9,000 leading companies for digital experiences, content management, experimentation and commerce.